This blog will be used to recap daily events of Spiritual Emphasis Week 2011 - as well as invite comments, discussions, or questions.

All are welcome to post below - though we respectfully request that all comments and questions be appropriate for the Calvary audience.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day Five: Friday

Members of the A-TEAM were introduced &
then read from their memory scripture.

The A-TEAM collected an offering for missions.

Abandon led us in excellent worship all week.

Special thanks to Jonathan Davis, Derward Pool, John Locke,
& Matt Meeks for starring as the A-TEAM all week!

Small Group (Family) Discussion Questions for Day Five:

Discussion Questions:
- God made us in His image - not the other way around. God is not our imagination or our creation. Scripture is clear that God is the Creator and he is to be worshipped. How can we worship God? List as many ways as you can think of.
- "Worship is us saying to God what we think He's worth."
- Read Psalm 34:1
- What does it mean to have praise continually in your mouth? What makes that hard to do?
- What is an appraiser?
- What do we do when we praise the Lord? (We are giving our estimate of what we think His value is.)
- "Until a piano fills the air with song, it never fulfills its purpose." That is the purpose of a piano. What is your purpose?
- God is seeking true worshippers. (Read John 4:23.) We worship lots of things in life. We are great at worship! Think of all the things we worship day in & day out. The problem is that our worship is often misdirected. What does God mean we he asks for "true worshippers"?
- "If I am ever to give God His worth, I must at least give God everything I am worth."
- We worship with our time, our talent, and our treasure. How can we do all three - no matter our age or position in life?
Scripture on praise to look up & discuss:
- Hebrews 13:15
- Psalm 92:1
- Psalm 100:4
- Philippians 4:4
- Jeremiah 17:14
- Acts 16:25-34
- 1 Chronicles 29:11-13

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Four: Thursday

B.A. Baracus and Col. Hannibal
searching for the members of Abandon.

"The Face" navigates with Murdock holding on
as the A-TEAM heads off to resue Abandon.

Rescued by the A-TEAM, Abandon
leads Calvary in another day of great worship.

Madison Stevens, Thomas Coker, Ben Coker, Laurel Anderson,
Denton Martin, & Ricky Prevatt present the Lighthouse
skit "Everything".

Thursday Discussion Questions

Thursday Discussion Questions:
- What does it mean that Daniel "purposed in his heart"? (Read Daniel 1:8)
- What things are pulling after you & beckoning to you? Think about the skit today. Are your temptations the same/different?
- "Cotton candy is a lie." It seems substantial --- but it's not. It's a fake. What else in this world is a lie or a fake?
- What number was Kenny Grant in the Price is Right line? (No spiritual significance --- just want to see who was paying attention!)
- Choices are personal. We each have to make our own choice about our relationship with Christ. Attending church, attending Chapel, and participating in Spiritual Emphasis Week does not mean that we have made a choice. We each have to do our own business with God. He already knows everything about us --- but he's longing that we talk to him.
- How do we choose Christ?
- What do we lose by not choosing Christ?
- What is abundant life?
- Read Acts 2:21

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today we discussed the person of Jesus Christ - and how he is the bridge that allows us to approach a holy God. Rev. Kenny Grant shared a message about us being "in step" with God - rather than the world - and using His picture of our worth, rather than the worlds. The above diagram and scripture was used in Small Group sessions.

Day Three: Wednesday

Collection of gently used or new book bags,
jackets, & shoes to donate to mission organizations.

MC's Jody Jordan, Katie Webster, & Josh Brewer

Racers from Spiritual Emphasis Week 2010
make a special guest appearance.

Sadly, our guest stars immediately received
referrals for detention & Saturday School from Asst. Principal
Mrs. Brunn.

High School Principal Mr. Taylor
was also on hand to discipline our guest actors.

Have no fear! The A-TEAM arrived immediately (or shortly thereafter)
to rescue our guest stars -- and take the Administrators away!

Col. Hannibal navigates while B.A. Baracus drives.

Murdock hangs on the back - with the Administrators
safely captive.

Abandon continues to bring incredible worship.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


On Wednesday all students will receive a post card "bookmark" with the A-TEAM scripture for the week.

The Problem of Sin

In small group session today, students had the opportunity to discuss with teachers & pastors the separation between God & man. Tomorrow - the bridge between the two will be discussed by sharing some GOOD NEWS!